Fact or Fiction?

Fact or Fiction?

15 Statements about Vision Impairments

1.All people who are blind need glasses.FactFiction
2.“Seeing Eye Dogs” or Service Dogs “See” for people.  
3.Some people who are considered blind can see.  
4.Most people who are proficient in reading braille.  
5.All people who are blind can identify you by your voice.  
6.Most people who are blind own a service dog.  
7.People who are blind can see in their dreams.  
8.You need to talk louder to a blind person because they can’t hear as well.  
9.You can tell if someone is blind.  
10.People who are blind like to feel others’ faces to know how they look.  
11.It is appropriate to use visual words like look, see or watch to a person who is blind.  
12.Service dogs know exactly where to go and what to do.  
13.Dark sunglasses are worn by people who are blind to hide their eyes.  
14.There are limited job opportunities for people who are blind.  
15.If a person is wearing glasses, they are not blind.  

Fact or Fiction Answer Key

Fact or Fiction?

15 Statements about Vision Impairments

1.All people who are blind need glasses. Some people wear glasses to improve their acuity or protect their eyes. They can still be considered legally blind and have some vision.FactFiction   X
2.“Seeing Eye Dogs” or Service Dogs “See” for people. Guide dogs are trained to support a person during travel.  They can’t see things and then tell the person what they are seeing through their actions or barking. X
3.Some people who are considered blind can see Yes- blindness and vision loss is a spectrum of acuity- some people have blurry vision, some can see objects, formations or shadows, some have light perception, and some people can’t see anything.X 
4.Most people who are proficient in reading braille. Not all individuals need to read braille- many can read large print or print with assistive technology. X
5.All people who are blind can identify you by your voice. People can’t identify others by their voice any better than people with vision can identify others by their voice. X
6.Most people who are blind own a service dog. Many people own a service dog, others use a long white can for travel, and some may use one or the other, depending on the situation. X
7.People who are blind can see in their dreams. If a person has never seen anything- they will not see in their dreams. X
8.You need to talk louder to a blind person because they can’t hear as well. There is no need to be loud, simply because a person has a visual impairment. X
9.You can tell if someone is blind. You can’t tell a person’s visual acuity by looking at them. X
10.People who are blind like to feel others’ faces to know how they look. This seems to happen in movies.  Typically, a person does not walk around feeling people’s faces.  X
11.It is appropriate to use visual words like look, see or watch to a person who is blind. Yes- there is nothing wrong with using vision words.X 
12.Service dogs know exactly where to go and what to do. Service dogs know what to do based on their training.  They do not have an innate sense to travel everywhere their owner wants to go. X
13.Dark sunglasses are worn by people who are blind to hide their eyes. Often people wear dark sunglasses to protect their eyes from light and sun- the brightness can be painful depending on their eye condition. X
14.There are limited job opportunities for people who are blind. People who are blind can do nearly any job that a person with sight can do. X
15.If a person is blind, they don’t care what they wear. Individuals often care what they wear and how they look, the same as people with vision. X

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